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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1995 Week 10 Hansard (7 December) . . Page.. 2778 ..

MR MOORE: I will, but I refer Mr Wood to page 12 of the Stein report. Paragraph 1.48 is where Stein makes a statement. I am quite happy to leave it at that until we debate that report more thoroughly. I am pleased about the response of the Government and believe it is now appropriate for development of the Watson Starlight Drive-In site to proceed.

I draw one small issue to the Minister's attention. It has to do with the notion of selling off the plan and the appropriate protections when selling off the plan. It has been drawn to my attention that this is currently going on at another site in Canberra. Rather than making it a public issue, because it can easily be misconstrued, I am quite happy to mention to the Minister what the other site is so that that can also be inspected to ensure that the appropriate processes go ahead. Mr Speaker, I thank the Government for their positive response and look forward to the development proceeding.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Report on Inquiry into Possible Changes to Planning Legislation -
Government Response

Debate resumed from 19 September 1995, on motion by Mr Humphries:

That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

MR WOOD (11.27): Mr Speaker, this is one of the reports that Mr Humphries has in front of him and that are giving him, I am sure, a quite severe workload. He has this well-considered report from the Planning Committee; he has the Stein report; he has the Mant/Collins report. He has a whole host of information that he now has to wade through in order to come up with a consolidated approach to changes in the Land Act and anything else.

Mr Humphries: So much for Christmas.

MR WOOD: Mr Humphries, you have that big task ahead of you. I am not sure that at the end of that task you are going to satisfy the whole community any more than the material we have already worked from has.

Mr Humphries: I guarantee I will not.

MR WOOD: I think that is right.

Mr Humphries: That is a promise.

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