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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1995 Week 10 Hansard (5 December) . . Page.. 2632 ..

MRS CARNELL (continuing):

I come back to the basic issue here. The issue is that this Government believes that our health dollar desperately needs to be spent on service delivery; not necessarily on bricks and mortar, not necessarily on on-costs of establishments, but on making sure that services are there on the ground. For Mr Berry's benefit, I will now quote from what I said in this Assembly on 22 August 1995, as recorded at page 1214 of Hansard. I said:

This is full-time staff, the long-term casual staff and, of course, any permanent part-time staff that we may have. They will be able to access the triple R award. They will also be able to access retraining in other parts of Health. There are a number of areas in ACT Health at the moment that could very well do with any staff that do not choose to reapply for jobs under the new management.

And so on. Very clearly, this is for full-time and long-term casual staff. We stick by that absolutely.

Mr Berry: How long is long term?

MRS CARNELL: Over 12 months, Mr Berry.

Mr Berry: Where does it say that in here? Show me.

MRS CARNELL: Do not be stupid. The reality is that this Government is about service delivery. That is what we stick to. We believe that we must not be in the business of duplicating services provided by the Commonwealth, even if we would love to. We certainly would love to have enough money to do everything; but, if we cannot, let us make sure people are not falling through the gaps.

MR SPEAKER: Mrs Carnell, do you want to move your amendments?

MRS CARNELL: Yes, I will move them now.

MR SPEAKER: Do you want to do it now? You could leave it if you wish.

MRS CARNELL: I am happy to move them now.

MR SPEAKER: It just opens the debate.

MRS CARNELL: Okay, I will do that. I seek leave to move together the three amendments to Mr Connolly's motion that were circulated in my name.

Leave granted.


Paragraph 1, omit "100 percent bulk billing can be guaranteed;", substitute "bulk billing can be provided for all pensioners, health care card holders and low income earners;".

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