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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1995 Week 9 Hansard (23 November) . . Page.. 2449 ..

MR BERRY: At this point I do not know that you would be able to find your way to the other end of the pool. I find the Government's attitude to sport, recreation and racing disappointing, to say the least. They know that there are many people out there in Belconnen who are highly critical of the performance of Mr Stefaniak and Mr Hird. Mr Hird has long held himself up as the champion of the people of Belconnen, and it has been the greatest phoney exercise we have seen perpetrated in any representative organisation here in the ACT. What does Mr Hird say? Mr Hird says nothing, not a word - no defence at all for the people of Ginninderra. I think this is quite shameful. Mr Stefaniak is just sitting there with a big grin on his face. He thinks it is funny. This is not funny; this is serious - and he is laughing too. I need to get a picture of that to show the people out there in the various community clubs, to ensure that they are fully aware of this issue. Why do you not speak up? Why do you not defend your position, Mr Hird? Because it is indefensible and nobody would believe you. They know that you were not telling the truth at the last election and you have let them down in a big way. It is a disgrace.

Proposed expenditure agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 230, Kingston Foreshores, $737,300

MR WOOD (9.58): Mr Speaker, there are a couple of points I want to make here and questions I want to direct to Mr De Domenico, assuming that this process goes ahead, that the Assembly committee gives the green light, and this money can be spent, because I think that is the proviso on it. That being the case, Mr De Domenico, could you explain to me how it is that this is all going to be done, the site cleared up, contamination assessed and removed, the power station done over to make it a useful proposition - - -

Ms Follett: They will get in that cubbyhouse mob; I know they will.

MR WOOD: It does not give us much hope, does it? How is this all going to happen, as the Chief Minister has asserted, without cost to the ACT? A private developer, as she has said, is going to do it. Mr De Domenico, you know the private enterprise people in this town. Are they going to do that out of the goodness of their hearts or, if they do bid and win contracts, will the cost of that work be deducted from what they might bid for a contract? Is that the likely outcome? I would like you to explain that.

MRS CARNELL (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (10.00): It would be nice to think that all of those things could be done in this financial year, but I am absolutely confident that there is no way on this planet that we can have the whole of the Kingston foreshore site levelled, and all of those sorts of things done, by June next year. At the rate the committee is going at the moment, we will be lucky to have the committee report by then, but we are certainly hopeful. There are a number of funding models we are currently looking at with regard to the Kingston foreshore development. One of the things Mr Moore and I looked at when we were in Japan was a funding model that is being used for the Osaka waterfront development, and there are a number of others. Whichever way we plan to go, this Assembly will be the first to know.

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