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and reflect the opinion of the community that they represent. What does she want - a LAPAC of 40,000 people, so that we can be sure that everybody's voice is heard when the LAPAC comes to the Minister and gives him advice? They have to start somewhere. The Minister has set them up; they are beginning work. I suggest that Ms Horodny wait for a couple of months at least to see what happens before she begins to criticise them, particularly on the basis that they are not representative of the community.

Ms Horodny said that she went to some of the original meetings. She must know that the people there do represent their communities. I, for one, am prepared to wait and see what advice they provide to the Minister. I am sure that the Minister can then make a judgment as to whether that advice represents the collective opinion of the community or not. I am sure that if the Minister feels that it does not he will take further steps to get some input from the broader community. If we are not going to let the LAPACs work, why did we establish them in the first place? I think it is rather ridiculous at this stage of the game to be criticising such an initiative.

A key issue of the Minister's statement was a need for a strategic plan for Canberra. Some of us have been saying that for a long time. I give Mr Moore his due. The Minister has recognised the need for that strategic aspect to the plan. He intends to do something about it, and he intends to work through the Planning and Environment Committee of the Assembly, which is as representative of the members of this Assembly as any other committee, and perhaps more so. I welcome that initiative and, both as a member of that committee and as a member of the Liberal Government, I look forward to the development of a strategic plan.

The Minister talked about the role of Canberra in the region. I think it has long been recognised that Canberra is the centre of a region. It is closely integrated with the surrounding community through their use of our resources and vice versa. The border has long since ceased to have any significance, except for political purposes. The Minister has recognised that, and I am sure that he will carry on the work that has been going on for at least five years in order to benefit not only the ACT community but also the 2,000 or 3,000 people who live outside the border and see Canberra as their centre as well.

The Minister highlighted the need for a single planning authority. Some of us will remember that in 1988 the National Capital Development Commission was disestablished and there were established in its place two planning authorities. At the time some of us wondered how they would work. It seemed to be setting up the possibility of conflict and confrontation. It certainly set up the possibility of the national body overriding the local one on issues which perhaps are quite peripheral to their areas of interest. I think we have seen that happen. In my view, we have seen the National Capital Planning Authority intruding into local issues which they should leave well alone. I am sure that as long as the two planning authorities continue that will occur. The Minister has foreshadowed that something will be done about that, and I foreshadow that in the Assembly tomorrow I will be moving a motion urging the Government and urging the Minister to move rapidly to achieve at least negotiations with the Commonwealth on that issue.

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