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Student Assessment

MR WOOD: I direct my question to Mr Stefaniak. There has been a variation to the process of student assessment in respect of one student. Mr Stefaniak has said repeatedly, and at the last moment, “I get advice from the department”. Will Mr Stefaniak advise the Assembly who initiated this issue? Did he take it to the department or did the department come to him with the issue? What happened first?

MR STEFANIAK: Mr Wood, you people are making an incredible mountain out of what is really a very small molehill. Again, I say what I said yesterday. I really think you people need a full briefing on this, because it is not a matter that is finished and it does have privacy implications.

MR WOOD: My supplementary question is a repetition of my first question. Who initiated consideration of this issue? Did someone come to you and did you initiate it with the department, or did the department raise this issue with you out of the blue?

MR STEFANIAK: Mr Wood, as you probably are aware, this issue has been a longstanding issue and, unfortunately, it seems that it will continue to be so because it is not finished yet in terms of what is occurring.

Schools - Entertainment Videos

MR OSBORNE: My question is addressed to the Minister for Education, Mr Stefaniak, regarding the showing of entertainment videos during school time. Minister, recently my office received a complaint from the parent of a Year 3 child that was forced by their teacher to sit through an M-rated entertainment video that the child knew their parent would disapprove of. Minister, what is the Government's policy on schools showing entertainment videos during class time? Is it a common practice to do so and why? Most importantly, who chooses the videos and should our schools not at least offer parents lists of available films for their approval or else provide an alternative activity?

MR STEFANIAK: Mr Osborne, I will take that question on notice so that I can give you a full reply. I do not have that information available to me at present.

Captain Cook Memorial Jet

MR KAINE: I direct a question to Mr De Domenico, the Deputy Chief Minister. Minister, I have a copy of a media release put out yesterday by the National Capital Planning Authority and saying that the Captain Cook jet is going to be closed from today until the end of November. It seems to me that the timing is impeccable with Floriade falling in the middle of that time! Did the NCPA discuss this question of closing down the jet for repairs with anybody in the ACT Government? If not, do you intend to pursue it with them to see whether or not it can remain operating during the period of Floriade?

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