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Industrial Relations Act 1988 . . Page.. 933 ..
Detail Stage
Clause 7
Debate resumed.
MR DE DOMENICO (Minister for Urban Services) (10.56): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to move together the two amendments circulated in my name.
Leave granted.
MR DE DOMENICO: Mr Speaker, before I move any Government amendments, I would like to outline briefly to the Assembly the purpose of these amendments. These amendments will assist in giving effect to the Government's commitment to preserve existing terms and conditions of employment for ACTEW employees and to assist in maintaining a high level of accountability for the corporation. The amendments relate to the application to ACTEW Corporation of administrative law matters, such as FOI and Ombudsman, which I believe other Assembly members were particularly interested in. Other amendments provide specifically for the extension of reciprocal mobility arrangements between the ACT Government Service and the Australian Public Service. Such mobility arrangements will apply for a period of three years.
The first amendment - that the definition of “award” has the same meaning as in the Industrial Relations Act 1988 - has been included as this definition takes on a broader meaning, to include, for example, enterprise bargaining agreements. The second amendment, relating to the definition of “transferred employee”, is a technical amendment which brings the language of the definition more closely into line with the terminology of subclause 7(2). I move:
Page 3, line 29, subclause (1), insert the following definition: “ “award” has the same meaning as in the Industrial Relations Act 1988 of the Commonwealth;”.
Page 4, line 7, subclause (1) (definition of “transferred employee”), omit “taken to be”.
MR WHITECROSS (10.57): Mr Speaker, the Opposition will be happy to support these amendments.
Amendments agreed to.
Clause, as amended, agreed to.
Remainder of Bill, by leave, taken as a whole, and agreed to.
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