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NOES, 9 . . Page.. 816 ..

We will support Mr Moore's amendments. They toughen up the position we have taken on this, and we are happy for that to happen. We believe that it is the appropriate way to go to express our displeasure. To take a step back, this Assembly is debating how best to express our displeasure with the French Government's approach. That is what this is about. We believe in keeping communications open as far as possible, and getting the Mayor of Versailles to do our bidding with the French Government, which is exactly what we asked him to do in the letter I have already sent him. We asked him to lobby on our behalf, to tell the Government exactly what we think, to say that we do not accept this and that this is not on. We have told the Mayor of Versailles to tell the French Government about the boycott of products in the ACT and just how strongly people here feel. That is what this debate is about, and I hope that when everybody votes we make that very clear.

Question put:

That the amendments (Mr Moore’s) be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -



Mrs Carnell

Mr Berry

Mr Cornwell

Mr Connolly

Mr De Domenico

Ms Follett

Mr Hird

Ms Horodny

Mr Humphries

Ms McRae

Mr Kaine

Mr Osborne

Mr Moore

Ms Tucker

Mr Stefaniak

Mr Whitecross

Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

MR HUMPHRIES (Attorney-General) (12.22), by leave: I move:

Add at the end of the motion:

“Further, the Assembly urges the Chief Minister to write to the Prime Minister urging that his Government demonstrate a stronger response to the French Government’s decision by:

(1) suspending military co-operation with France, except for surveillance, United Nations and humanitarian activities;

(2) ceasing refuelling all French military transit flights; and

(3) recalling Australia’s Ambassador to France.”.

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