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Local shops in Tuggeranong are a priority. There are still areas of Tuggeranong, particularly in the south, not yet serviced by supermarkets, and it is not a satisfactory option to the Government that these people be serviced by the town centre in lieu of local shops.

It is useful for members to note that the Territory Plan requires proponents of major developments, which include extensions, of over 7,000 square metres to undertake a preliminary assessment of the environmental impact of their proposals. This means a study of the retail, transport and social impacts, including those on neighbourhood retail centres. The Government will expect top quality assessments and, if necessary, will bring in independent retail and other professional advice on development proposals. This study provides a good start to the planning needs for the future of Canberra's retail industry, but it should not be seen as a vehicle for providing all the answers to Canberra's business problems. It is a guide to assist government in the planning priorities facing the retail industry.

Let me speak about the quality of urban design. The Government will continue the work of the Urban Design Advisory Committee, which Mr Wood established, but will look to this group to take a more leading role in the design of Canberra's growth. I want to see UDAC work with the ACT Planning Authority to develop meaningful guidelines which pursue excellence in design. The provision of plain English brochures on the design aspects of multiunit developments will be a task I will assign to this committee to oversee. The role of the committee takes an added focus in these days of promoting design which is price efficient, energy efficient and of the highest possible standard. I am encouraged by the enthusiasm shown so far by developers and designers who want to strive for innovative design which focuses on those needed elements. By making a small extra investment in good design, builders achieve a future saving and a worthwhile investment in the quality of their product and, through that, the local amenity of Canberra's suburbs. This means aiming for higher development standards and, on the part of the Government, it means being receptive to new concepts. We stand prepared to do that.

Canberra's families have various needs and, while I do not acknowledge that it is the role of government to service all of those needs, it should be the role of government to help those providing them to target that assistance with maximum effectiveness and convenience. I propose today a new initiative that will allow Canberra families to provide special residential care for their aged and other special relatives in need of care, such as intellectually or physically disabled relatives. These families in need of the provision of urgent accommodation will be able to install a transportable unit in their backyard for a limited time. This is to cater for an increasing social need for this type of temporary accommodation. These units will not be allowed to be rented, nor will unit titles be permitted. Their occupants must be related to the occupants of the property and must fall within a category such as age or disability. When no longer required, the units must be removed. As the special needs of families in our community increase, the Government looks to practical and lateral solutions to some of the problems they face. By allowing a physically separate dwelling, the levels of privacy and independence families require and deserve will be attained.

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