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Detail Stage

Bill, by leave, taken as a whole

MR HUMPHRIES (Attorney-General) (3.47): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to move three amendments together.

Leave granted.


Page 17, line 8, clause 31, paragraph (1)(b), insert “subject to subsection 31A(1),” before “any”.

Page 17, line 14, after clause 31 insert the following clause:

“Conditional release

31A.(1) Where, pursuant to paragraph 31(1)(b), a person is required to serve a term of imprisonment, the court may, by order, direct that the person be released forthwith or after serving a specified part of the term of imprisonment upon his or her giving security, with or without sureties, by recognisance or otherwise, to the satisfaction of the court that -

(a) he or she will be of good behaviour for such period as the court specifies in the order; and

(b) he or she will, during the period so specified, comply with such conditions (if any) as the court considers appropriate to specify in the order, which conditions may include -

(i) the condition that the person will, during the period so specified, be subject to the supervision on probation of a person, for the time being appointed in accordance with the order; and

(ii) the condition that the person will obey all reasonable directions of a person so appointed.

(2) A court shall not release a person under subsection (1) on condition that the person perform unpaid community work.”.

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