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None . . Page.. 439 ..

MR DE DOMENICO: To lumber that committee with something else, to me, is not the way to go.

Mr Wood: That is the charter you gave it. You endorsed that charter.

Mr Whitecross: You gave it environment.


MR DE DOMENICO: I have taken all those comments on board, and let me tell you another thing: We can, from time to time, change our mind.

Mr Berry: If I had a mind like yours, I would change it, too.

MR DE DOMENICO: Choice and flexibility, Mr Berry.

Mr Berry: Mr De Domenico, if I had a mind like yours, I would change it, too.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr De Domenico has the floor.

MR DE DOMENICO: We will change our mind time and time again, I am suggesting to you, Mr Speaker, when we find better ways of doing things and when it makes good sense. You will find that this Government, from time to time, will say, “Hey, listen; if we said something before and we realise that we were wrong or we have thought of a better way of doing it, we will admit that and we will fix it”.

So, what I am saying, Mr Speaker, is that the Liberal Party and the Government are prepared to suggest that this should go to the Public Accounts Committee - and that committee is under the chairmanship of Ms Follett, not under the chairmanship of Mr Moore. If, however, this Assembly decides to change the terms of reference of the Tourism Committee, the Government is quite happy for this matter to be referred to that committee, which is, by the way, chaired by Mr Kaine, one of our members. In other words, we are saying that we are prepared to take the pass on the chest and go for goal with it. So, we cannot be accused of saying, “It has been flick-passed from one committee to another”. Let us look at this in a commonsense way.

I believe that, in the interim, the Assembly ought to refer this inquiry to the Public Accounts Committee. Then, if the Assembly agrees to the change of terms of reference of the Tourism and ACT Promotion Committee and to give it the responsibility for economic development, I think it would perhaps make a lot of sense if the reference went to that committee, because it fits right into tourism and it fits right into economic development.

Ms Follett: This is silly.

MR DE DOMENICO: I hear the former Chief Minister say that this is silly. It is not silly.

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