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enhance cost consciousness, reduce unnecessary demand and overuse, and have agencies become more client focused. The audit revealed inadequate understanding and financial controls and, in essence, recommended management accounting and financial reporting arrangements. The need for appropriate financial training for ACT Government Service officers was also noted.

With regard to the management of private trust moneys, the audit recommended a review of the Audit Act to ensure fully effective procedures and controls as well as proper oversight of trust funds by senior officers and training. The committee supports the audit recommendations and specifically requests the Government to have safeguards put in place to ensure that there is adequate central government control of agencies when guidelines for dealing with trust fund moneys are developed.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Sitting suspended from 12.27 to 2.30 pm


Acton Peninsula

MS FOLLETT: Mr Speaker, my question is to the Chief Minister. Mrs Carnell, will you give a categorical answer on whether the child-care centre, the student accommodation and the non-government organisation accommodation will be forced to relocate from Acton Peninsula? When will this occur? What assistance will the Government provide to those organisations? What will be the cost of that assistance?

MRS CARNELL: As I think I have answered on more than one occasion already, our position on the child-care centre is that it should stay on Acton Peninsula for as long as is humanly possible. We believe that a child-care facility will have a long-term benefit to Acton Peninsula as the Gallery of Aboriginal Australia and the Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Centre are built and come into play. We will be putting pressure on the Commonwealth, as we have already, to keep the child-care facility there, we hope, in the longer term. In the medium term, we believe, the child-care centre will stay. We obviously will need to continue negotiations with the Commonwealth on this. If they want it moved at some stage in the future we are going to have to relocate those children to another facility. It is as simple as that. Yes, there is an undertaking for the child-care centre to stay open in the medium term. Discussions with the Commonwealth will continue on how long they want the child-care centre to stay.

There is already a commitment for the hospice to stay for the term of its lease, and for the cottage beside the hospice to stay for the term of the lease. Sylvia Curley House will be demolished in line with discussions that are happening at the moment, as I said yesterday, between the Commonwealth and the ACT at departmental level. At this stage we have no timeframe in place. We do know that in the next financial year the only facilities that the Commonwealth is planning to build on Acton are the Gallery of Aboriginal Australia and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Centre. At this stage we do not believe that they will want all the land immediately, but those discussions are under way.

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