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As I know from when I first came here, and from the people whom we have invited here since we have been members, people have been nervous about coming. When they have arrived they have been interested to find that we are all human beings and that they can meet Mr Berry or Mr Humphries. It is breaking down barriers. Encouraging the community to come here is actually a first step to empowering them to be more participative in the processes. I think that is a very important point that people need to consider. So, once again, I ask people here to consider our proposal, which is that we still allow access by the community after working hours, for the reasons that I have just outlined.

MR HUMPHRIES (Attorney-General) (11.51): Under standing order 47, Mr Speaker, might I make just a couple of brief comments?


Mr Berry: Not if - - -

MR SPEAKER: Under standing order 47.

MR HUMPHRIES: If Mr Berry cares to read his standing orders, he will probably work it out. Mr Speaker, in his remarks, Mr Berry made reference to my comments about his wife being in the gallery and said that this was “having a go at my family”. I would strongly suggest that that is a rather intemperate reflection. The fact that I refer to Mr Berry's wife being in the gallery is in no way having a go at him or her. It is simply a reflection on the fact that she was not there by accident; she was there because Mr Berry, presumably, had asked her to be there. Secondly, Mr Berry said that I had attacked Ms McRae for not having done anything about bringing people to the house for Tuesday night sittings.

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, on a point of order: Standing order 47 clearly excludes debatable matter. It says “and no debatable matter may be brought forward nor may any debate arise upon such explanation”.

MR SPEAKER: It says “nor may any debate arise upon such explanation”.

Mr Berry: It says “and no debatable matter may be brought forward”. The debate has happened in relation to those matters.

MR SPEAKER: I think Mr Humphries is making an explanation.

Mr Berry: He had the opportunity. He has had his debate.

MR SPEAKER: He has not had an opportunity.

Mr Berry: I apologise. He has introduced it into the debate, Mr Speaker, and it has been responded to.

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