Page 4914 - Week 15 - Thursday, 8 December 1994

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(5) The following reports were prepared after the legless lizards surveys and have been provided to you:

Fauna of the ACTs Native Grasslands, 1991, Williams, K. and Kukolic, K., in The ACTs Native Grasslands, proceedings of a workshop, Conservation Council of the South-East Region and Canberra.

Survey of the striped legless lizard, Delma impar, in the Gungahlin Town Centre and North Watson proposed development areas, 1993, Kukolic, K., ACT Parks and Conservation Service, Internal Report 93/1.

Survey of the striped legless lizard, Delma impar, during 1993 in the proposed development area E1 comprising sites for the Gungahlin Town Centre and the suburb of Franklin, 1994, Kukolic, K., ACT Parks and Conservation Service, Internal Report 94/3.

(6) Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve: an area of native

woodland and secondary grassland containing habitat for

the golden sun moth (Synemon plana) and a wide variety

of terrestrial vertebrate animals including some locally

uncommon birds and reptiles, the Common Dunnart

(Sminthopsis murina) and some plant species uncommon in

the ACT (Acacia parramattensis, Bossiaea prostata,

Desmodium brachypodum, Eucalyptus goniocalyx).

Gungahlin Hill Nature Reserve:an area of native woodland which is relatively undisturbed by grazing and includes a diverse assemblage of orchid species.

Horse Park Wetlands:a natural lowland swamp system which includes habitat for Lathams snipe (Gallinago hardwickii) a species protected under the Japan/Australia Migratory Birds Agreement and the China/Australia Migratory Birds Agreement.

Horse Park entrance:a small area of native grassland which provides habitat for the largest ACT population of an uncommon plant species Psoralea tenax which is of regional significance and close to the south-east limit of its natural range.

Native Grasslands: areas of lowland native grasslands within the Lower Gungahlin area and at the proposed Gungahlin Town Centre have been identified as having high conservation value because they provide habitat for the threatened species Delma impar and Synemon plana.


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