Page 4727 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 7 December 1994

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Auditor-General's reports Nos 6 and 7 of 1994. The first one deals with interagency charging, and the second one has to do with some aspects of overseas travel. On both of these matters, Madam Speaker, the committee had sought advice from the Treasurer on matters central to the committee's consideration of those reports, but responses have not been received as of this date. A good deal of preparatory work has been done on both of those audit reports and the work should not be left in its present state.

Furthermore, in respect of the presentation to the Assembly late last week of a third Auditor-General's report, No. 8 of 1994, entitled, "Financial Audits with Years Ending to 30 June 1994", it simply has not been feasible for the committee to consider that report. Accordingly, the committee recommends that, should the Public Accounts Committee be re-established in the next Assembly, and we are sure that it will be, it should access the documentation and records of this committee in order to complete consideration of the outstanding matters from those three audit reports.

Madam Speaker, the only other comment that I would like to make, as presiding member of the committee, is first of all to thank my committee colleagues - the deputy presiding member, Annette Ellis, Mrs Carnell, Mrs Grassby and Michael Moore - for their commitment to the work of the committee, the wise counsel that they have provided, and the inputs that they have made during the past 2½ years or so. I should also like to thank the secretariat staff who have served the committee with dedication and professionalism. In particular, I extend the committee's appreciation to Ms Karin Malmberg, who was secretary of the committee until January of this year, to Bill Symington, who succeeded her and has done sterling work since, and, of course, to the ever present Rod Power, who assisted the committee during the inquiry into petrol supply arrangements. Madam Speaker, I seek leave to incorporate this statement in Hansard.

Leave granted.

Statement incorporated at Appendix 2.

Question resolved in the affirmative.


Suspension of Standing and Temporary Orders

Motion (by Mr Humphries) proposed:

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent the following items of business:

(1) order of the day No. 3, private members business, relating to the Public Interest Disclosure Bill 1994;

(2) order of the day No. 4, private members business, relating to the Community Referendum Bill 1994;

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