Page 4385 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 30 November 1994

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MR LAMONT (Minister for Urban Services, Minister for Housing and Community Services, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Sport): Madam Speaker, I wish to provide additional information to an answer which I provided during question time this day.

MADAM SPEAKER: You have leave.

MR LAMONT: Madam Speaker, during the course of answers to questions from both Mr Berry and Mr De Domenico, I raised the dates and timing of grants for the Royal Life Saving Society. I indicated that the grant for which they had applied to the Bureau of Sport, Recreation and Racing, and that recommendation to me for zero grant by the Sport and Recreation Council, were to take effect from 1 January 1995. I wish to clarify that point. Despite the fact that that may have been the recommendation, I have, in fact, said that I would fund them, consequent upon a number of issues being resolved. The community service grant which they had been operating on, and which they were aware would expire on 30 June 1994, has expired. The Royal Life Saving Society had been aware for two years that there would be a period between 30 June 1994 and 1 January 1995 for which no grant was applicable. It was drawn to my attention by one of my staff that that could have been either misinterpreted or confused. I needed to appropriately clarify that.



Report and Statement

MRS GRASSBY: Madam Speaker, I present report No. 18 of 1994 of the Standing Committee on Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation and I ask for leave to make a brief statement on the report.

Leave granted.

MRS GRASSBY: Report No. 18 of 1994 contains the committee's comments on one Bill. I commend the report to the Assembly.

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