Page 4382 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 30 November 1994

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There is a provision in relation to commercial vehicles, and in this particular case the neighbours complain of a number of commercial vehicles outside the premises which often cause difficulties for other road users who travel around that street. They have difficulty in getting past some of these vehicles that are parked on the nature strip, on the roadway and in the vicinity of those premises. There is also no provision for adequate parking facilities for visitors' or customers' vehicles, and quite clearly there are no adequate parking facilities there. The residents also complain of traffic generated by the business, which is unacceptable and does affect the flow of local traffic. As I said before, local traffic has trouble getting out. Also, by the nature of this business, people are woken up at 10.00 pm, 2.00 am and 5.00 am on a quite regular basis.

All these matters have been made known to the department and, more recently, to the Minister. I understand that some action is now being taken; but, quite clearly, a number of people have a very real concern. Their neighbourhood amenity and quality of life quite clearly is being threatened, and action is very slow in being taken. This is not an isolated incident and we are seeing, as I said earlier, a number of instances throughout Canberra where people in certain neighbourhoods do have a number of problems which do have to be addressed.

Debate interrupted.


MADAM SPEAKER: Order! It being 4.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Berry: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.


Discussion of Matter of Public Importance

Debate resumed.

MR STEFANIAK: Madam Speaker, I will pass what further information I have to the Minister. His department has some. I indicate that I will be following this with great interest. I will be in contact with him outside this chamber in relation to it so that appropriate action can follow.

On a more positive note, Madam Speaker, Canberra does have a unique reputation throughout Australia, and I believe the world, as being a very beautiful city as a result of Walter Burley Griffin's original plan. An integral part of that plan is nice neighbourhoods and city centres where people can live. I think that most Canberrans value that more than

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