Page 4253 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 29 November 1994

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at Yowani. That is basically what Mr De Domenico is saying, irrespective of the fact that an Assembly committee has adjudicated on the relative merits and has proposed to this Assembly that there are issues about this development that need to be considered.

The sheer hypocrisy of this man needs to be exposed. That is the game that this man is playing. It would be unparliamentary for me to say that he lies for convenience; so I would not say that. But I would suggest, Madam Speaker, that what he does do is sail very close to the wind. This evening, at an appropriate location, the Master Builders Association held pre-Christmas drinks. At that gathering, I understand that Mr De Domenico said words that imported, "I did not accept this on Friday. I do not accept it now".

Mr De Domenico: I did not say that all, Mr Lamont.

MR LAMONT: I am saying that you imported that.

Mr De Domenico: Did you hear me?

MR LAMONT: Mr De Domenico, I have never stooped that low - - -

Mr Berry: Careful!

MR LAMONT: To eavesdrop on a conversation such as that.

Mr De Domenico: Did you wink or nod at anyone, Mr Lamont? Last night, did your office promise to get this through?

MR LAMONT: Mr De Domenico, do you want to stand up and say it again?

Mr De Domenico: Are you going to answer the question?

MR LAMONT: Mr De Domenico, I am not quite sure - - -

Mr De Domenico: Did anybody in your office say last night, "We will get this through; we will fix it", with a wink and a nod? Come on; answer the question.

MR LAMONT: I am not quite sure how you believe the business of government should be conducted.

Mr De Domenico: You tell me, Mr Lamont, whether your office did or not.

MR LAMONT: I will, if you would do this for 30 seconds. Just go like this. You have been caught out; you have been done; you have been had. Your mates are walking away from you, and you do not like it.

Mr De Domenico: For once in your life, come clean. Mr Fix-it bites the dust. No more drinkies at the Kingo.


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