Page 4203 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 29 November 1994

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Mr Berry: The Pharmacy Guild does not think so.

MR DE DOMENICO: I will talk about that in a minute and get you right as well. Mr Kaine put out a press release saying that the Opposition supported the establishment of shopping centres in Banks, Gordon, Conder and Bonython. That is what Mr Kaine said.

Mr Wood: She did not.

MR DE DOMENICO: Mrs Carnell, in fact, agreed with him. Had you been at the public meeting, Mr Wood, you would have known that that is what Mrs Carnell said.

Mr Wood: That is what she said that day.

MR DE DOMENICO: That is what she said, Mr Wood. Had you been there and had you listened to the electorate that you want to represent next time around, had you listened to the people that you want to vote for you, you would have heard them say that they agreed with what Mrs Carnell and Mr Kaine and the Opposition said.

Mr Wood also talked about a retail study. Mr Wood would be aware that he has somewhere in his department the results of a retail study. One wonders what the results of that retail study have told Mr Wood. I challenge Mr Wood to bring into this Assembly and to table in this Assembly any papers he has in his possession, or in his department's possession, that talk about retail studies. Then let us see who is talking reality and who is not, Mr Wood. Bring them in here and show us. Bring them in here and show what you have on hand at the minute. There is no commitment from Mr Wood. I am glad that he is silent. Mr Wood talked about reacting to community wishes. Ms Follett, in fact, referred to a proactive and reactive relationship with the community.

Mr Kaine: Both.

MR DE DOMENICO: Both. I wrote it down - proactive and reactive relations with the community. If you are going to be proactive and relate to the community and react as well, you would know that the community is saying, "Not on your nelly do we think we need an extra 16,500 square metres of retail space in the Tuggeranong Hyperdome".

Ms Ellis: Is this the 30?

Mr Wood: That is what 30 people told you?

MR DE DOMENICO: No; more than 30 people, Mr Wood. Mr Wood would also know that a lot of people have rung my office, Mr Kaine's office and Mrs Carnell's office, and I dare say also his office and Ms Ellis's office, who would disagree with the comments made by their colleague Mrs Kelly, who was on television a couple of weeks ago saying, "This is wonderful. This is going to create 500 jobs and everything is going to be fantastic". That is what Mrs Kelly said. She said, "These Liberals stand up and scorn the future development". Mrs Kelly is wrong. Mrs Kelly would not know what people in Tuggeranong would say. She would not give a hoot. She has her office down there.

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