Page 4101 - Week 13 - Thursday, 10 November 1994

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Mr Kaine: I am a reasonable man.

MR LAMONT: That is exactly what I said, walking away. Mr Kaine, you were an eminently reasonable man. I must admit that you did have a reasonable approach. You did not have the ideology that obviously your colleague a bit further down the table here today has. That ideology is not one built on knowledge; it is not one built on experience; it is not one built on involvement. It is one built on dogma; it is one built on, "I have read John Howard revisited", or - who was the bloke you sacked before Downer was elected?

Mr Wood: Hewson.

MR LAMONT: That is the one.

Mr Wood: It is a bit hard to remember.

MR LAMONT: Yes. It is built on the sort of rationale that went through with - what was the name of that document they put out?

Mrs Grassby: The Things That Matter. The Things That Batter.

MR LAMONT: No; the one before that one. There was another one.

Mr Wood: Lose the fight?

MR LAMONT: That is it - "frightpack". The rabid liberalist right-wing ideology of "frightpack" is something that your colleague Mr De Domenico still aspires to. All you need do to understand that is to listen to the tripe that he has gone on with this afternoon. Not even you, Mr Kaine, would be prepared to continue with that. They have just acknowledged that. Mr Stefaniak has just agreed that he also continues to subscribe to the "frightpack" sort of mentality on industrial relations. What we are talking about here, Mr Kaine, is you having a very tough job ahead of you. Not only do you have to tell your leader about economics, teach her about public administration, and show her the way; you now have to take on board an education process for your industrial relations spokesman. It is not good enough that he continues to espouse the sort of rabid ideological position that he has this afternoon, as outlined in "frightpack".

Mr Kaine: Will you knock it off?

Mr De Domenico: Yes. Righto.

MR LAMONT: That is very good. He continues, I suggest, to try to dress it up in the sort of namby-pamby way that Mr - who was the bloke you brought down here to give you some advice just recently?

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