Page 4098 - Week 13 - Thursday, 10 November 1994

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There is one thing on which I disagree with the Minister. He said on page 5 of his statement:

In the non-Labor States, which have used the rhetoric of 'deregulation of the labour market' to cloak an attack on the wages and conditions of workers and on the roles of trades unions, the performance has ranged from poor to pathetic.

I invite the Minister to read the employment statistics today. A State which he believes has had a poor and pathetic performance has an unemployment rate of 7.5 per cent. That is Western Australia. That, in fact, is lower than the ACT, Minister. When you make statements about performances in other areas being poor and pathetic, that belies the facts of the matter. I agree with the Minister when he says that "successful change requires a climate of security and confidence". There is no doubt about that. He continued:

To create fear and uncertainty will mean resistance and antagonism to any move away from existing arrangements.

I agree. But, when we say that, we need to look at what happens from time to time in the ACT. I have brought to the notice of this house from time to time how people from time to time are forced into joining unions, or attempts are made to force them into joining unions. I can say that a Carnell Liberal government will be doing very quickly here in the ACT as much as we can to make sure that no-one should be forced to join an association or a union, or anything else, if they do not want to, as Mr Moore's amendment to the anti-discrimination law quite rightly says. If we have to change laws to make sure that happens, we will. I think it gets down to a basic right of every individual.

Mr Lamont: Are you going to start with the doctors?

MR DE DOMENICO: I will start wherever we need to start, Mr Lamont, because - - -

Mr Lamont: The doctors.

MR DE DOMENICO: That is your view. I might have a different view. If you want to know my view, I would be having discussions immediately with the Transport Workers Union and the CFMEU. I really would.

Mr Lamont: You would. That is where you would start?

MR DE DOMENICO: Yes, that is where I would start.

Mr Lamont: So, you would leave the doctors and their colleges alone?

MR DE DOMENICO: Yes, I would.

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