Page 4041 - Week 13 - Thursday, 10 November 1994

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We talk then, Madam Speaker, about the implications of good governance of the ACT and the social justice impact should it adopt CIR. One of the real issues in terms of social justice is whether non-compulsory voting, in particular, should it be added to CIR, would have an impact on social justice. In fact, at this stage, I have not been able to find out whether propositions put forward in California have got up in the last couple of days. The polls indicated that they would get up.

Mrs Grassby: They got up, Mr Moore.

MR MOORE: Mrs Grassby indicates that they did get up. It means that health care and education will not be available now to illegal immigrants' children. We have now identified that, for a set of people in the American context, there is non-compulsory voting. That has had a significant social justice impact; and that is the trend.

Mr Humphries: And that is the difference.

MR MOORE: Mr Humphries, appropriately, interjects, "That is the difference". That is why we must be careful about, and sure of, what we are doing here.

Madam Speaker, I want to emphasise again that the committee has not rejected CIR.

Mr Stevenson: Not likely!

MR MOORE: The committee has not rejected CIR. If we had wished to reject CIR, we would have simply said, "Do not proceed with these Bills". Instead, we have a series of recommendations that say, "These issues need to be dealt with properly". We have a situation in which the Liberals are particularly upset by this report, because they do not want CIR as an issue - - -

Mr Humphries: Yes, we do.

MR MOORE: Exactly. They have come in now, Madam Speaker; they want CIR as an issue to run with at the election, instead of dealing with the issue more on the basis of timing. They think they can get political mileage out of it. That is how they want to deal with it.

Mr Humphries: Yes; we want to show that we have done what we promised, unlike you.

Mr De Domenico: We want to expose your hypocrisy; that is what we want to do.


MR MOORE: They do not want to deal with it in exactly the same way as we have dealt with issue after issue which is controversial in this Assembly. I would like to deal with some of the issues to show just how controversial this is. Madam Speaker, you will note - and other people will note - that there is a dissenting report from Mr Humphries.

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