Page 3971 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 9 November 1994

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Mr Hawke when he was Prime Minister and Mr Keating when he took over both pledged at least $26m over four years for a National Museum at Yarramundi Reach. Fantastic! No wonder the people of the ACT were absolutely delighted. Two Prime Ministers, one after the other, said the same thing. Of course, notwithstanding any of this, no-one could stop Mrs Kelly from getting onto the band wagon. Mrs Kelly, as is her wont, jumped up. We read in the same article:

The money would be sufficient to provide about half the funding for Stage 1 of the building at Yarramundi Reach on Lake Burley Griffin, the Minister for the Arts and Member for Canberra, Ros Kelly, said later.

So, there is the scenario. One Prime Minister, Mr Hawke, promised millions of dollars, bucketfuls of money, to build a National Museum at Yarramundi Reach. Paul Keating, not wanting to be outdone by Bobby boy, promised the same thing - $26m over four years for a National Museum at Yarramundi Reach. Mrs Kelly, running towards a television camera when she was Minister for the Arts, said, "Fantastic! It is all my doing. I did all this - $26m over four years and 300 jobs". Mrs Kelly said this before the Federal election, duping the Canberra voters and saying, "Haven't I done a great job?". That is the credibility of the Labor Government.

Mr Wood talked about the credibility of the Liberal Party. Let us have a look at that. The same article in the Canberra Times of 1 March stated:

No comment was available from the Chief Minister, Rosemary Follett, but a spokesperson said, "She has consistently supported the National Museum."

That was the comment from Rosemary Follett. The Canberra Times article went on:

The ACT Opposition spokesman on employment, finance and tourism, Tony De Domenico, welcomed the Government's proposal.

I will repeat it:

The ACT Opposition spokesman on employment, finance and tourism, Tony De Domenico, welcomed the Government's proposal.

Mr Wood, the ACT Liberal Party has been right behind the National Museum.

Debate interrupted.

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