Page 3967 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 9 November 1994

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Of course, the local ALP were very keen to see the museum go ahead as planned. I quote now from Mr Connolly, who was getting a bit worried in October, when he said:

The Prime Minister, Paul Keating, has lost sight of the "big picture" if a national museum is not built in Canberra.

An article of 12 October stated:

Mr Connolly said yesterday a national museum was a must for a nation entering its centenary of Federation and verging on the cusp of republicanism.

I do not know whether I agree with that; but, at any rate, we are certainly approaching the centenary of Federation. It is interesting to note that in that article reference was made to a newsletter Ros Kelly sent to all households in her electorate in March 1993, in which she said - - -

Mr De Domenico: Did it come with a magnet on it?

MR STEFANIAK: I do not think so. Ros Kelly said:

I am delighted that we have finally started the museum. I am also delighted that it will be located at Yarramundi Reach, which has always been my preferred location.

It is interesting to note how solid Mrs Kelly has been on that since then. She attracted criticism, as did other Federal ALP members in Canberra, from Judy Holding, a founding member of Friends of the National Museum, who on 8 November this year, under the heading "Local MPs silent on museum", in the letters to the editor in the Canberra Times, wrote:

It was with great surprise and disappointment that I witnessed the disappearance of the Australian National Museum from the cultural priorities of this Government. I wonder why this was allowed to happen by those Members that represent the ACT?

It has been my experience and observation that Members of Parliament push very strongly for developments in their electorates.

They might have back in March 1993, but they certainly went quiet when the Prime Minister did his backflip.

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