Page 3953 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 9 November 1994

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MR HUMPHRIES: Madam Speaker, before we leave question time, I want to ask a question of a Minister under standing order 118A. Could I do it before Mr Wood tables his papers?

MADAM SPEAKER: Yes; please proceed, Mr Humphries.

MR HUMPHRIES: I did want to ask the Minister for Health and Attorney-General why questions that were placed on the notice paper on 15 September, and which were due to be answered by 15 October - specifically questions Nos 1394 and 1401 - have not yet been answered.

MR CONNOLLY: Madam Speaker, I do not know. I must say that I make it a practice to be quite rigorous in getting answers in, and we have in place a system that normally ensures that we get them off very quickly. I am disappointed to learn that that system has failed. I can certainly give an assurance that I will have an answer in by close of business this afternoon. I do genuinely apologise to Mr Humphries. It has been my practice always to be very rigorous on those matters.



MR WOOD (Minister for Education and Training, Minister for the Arts and Heritage and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning): Madam Speaker, pursuant to subsection 29(1) of the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991, I table variation No. 26 to the Territory Plan concerning the Heritage Places Register. The purpose of the variation is to include a number of places on the Heritage Places Register. It is important to recognise that this is the first group of entries onto the Heritage Places Register, which forms part of the Territory Plan. There are a variety of heritage types represented in this listing, covering the built, natural and Aboriginal forms of heritage places within both the urban and the rural landscapes. I should also add that, since the initial listing of these places on the interim Heritage Places Register, there has been an increased awareness as well as positive developments in the management of these places. For example, at the Aboriginal place PH13 in Gungahlin, a public recreation park has been developed, while the heritage elements of the place have been conserved in accordance with a management protocol developed by the Heritage Council in conjunction with the local Mulanggari Corporation.

I would also like to point out to members that the draft variation, when released for public comment, contained a citation for what was Sir Harold and Lady White's garden in Mugga Way, Red Hill. The current lessee objected to the listing on a number of grounds and, as these were of some concern to the ACT Planning Authority and the Heritage Council, the variation was revised to omit the garden until these comments have been fully investigated.

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