Page 3864 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 8 November 1994

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Main groupings surveyed were:

Group % Total Respondents

Government Private Not Total

Schools Schools Related

Students 14% 3% 17%

Teachers 3 % 1 % 4 %

Parents 34 % 1 1 % 45 %

Other 7 % 27 % 34 %

Total 58 % 15 % 27 % 100 %

Main Findings

A set of graphs showing the main findings is provided in the main text. Attachments include the survey form and tabular results.

Almost 30% of respondents had completed Year 12 education. About 40% had tertiary level qualifications (Figure 1).

Over half 58% of respondents were related to the public school system (Figures 2 and 3).

Main features of a quality education system listed by respondents were basic skills (25%), followed by living skills (10%). Several other features attracted about S% each of total responses (Figure 4).

Government school system rated as high quality by 30% of respondents and rated low by 13% of respondents (Figure 5).

Strengths of ACT government system were listed as high quality teachers (12% of responses) and wide curriculum choice (10%). The "dont know/no opinion" group accounted for 30% of total responses (Figure 6).

Main weakness of ACT government school system were lack of discipline (10%); lack of funding (10%); large class size (10%) and poor quality teachers (9%) ( Figure 7)

School based assessments were seen as a positive feature (52%), with general support across all four groups (Figures 8 and 9).

Progress by ability was important (78%), although teacher response to this was less positive than other groups (Figures 10 and 11).



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