Page 3861 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 8 November 1994

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8 In the long term, what other changes are necessary to the education system to cater

-for childrens future educational needs? [PROBE]

Dont know / no suggestions / no contact .

9 The ACT Government needs to consider ways in which it can maintain the quality of

education in the light of budgetary restraints. Would you please tell me whether you

are in favour or not in favour of each of the following suggestions:

(Write in code at the end of each line) _

Do not read out:

In between 3

No opinion/dont know 4

In favour 1

Not in favour 2

Charging community groups more for after-hours use of school buildings

Reducing spending on central administration of the school system . . . .

Introducing compulsory fees in government schools . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Increasing rates and taxes to fund spending on education . . . . . . . . . .

Introducing private sponsorship

(Explanation: For example, companies sponsoring purchase of equipment or sporting teams uniforms)


10 What other suggestions do you have for changes to the education system that would

reduce costs without reducing educational quality? (Probe)

Dont know / no suggestions / no contact


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