Page 3824 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 8 November 1994

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MR MOORE (5.48): Madam Speaker, I would like to make just one other comment about civil liberties. There was an article a while back - I believe that it was in the Valley View - about a young reporter who had been told by a policeman to move on, even though he did not have the power to move the reporter on. It seems to me that we could learn lessons from that situation when we are talking about the imbalance between the power of the police and the power of the ordinary citizen. We accept an imbalance; but we also accept that that imbalance should be used only in serious cases. In that case, the report, as I read it, indicated that there had been a very poorly used power that really did not exist; but it did demonstrate that, in a confronting situation, just a simple police presence can achieve what this is achieving.

Question put:

That the amendment (Mr Moore's) be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 2   NOES, 15

Mr Moore  Mr Berry

Ms Szuty  Mrs Carnell

  Mr Connolly

  Mr Cornwell

  Mr De Domenico

  Ms Ellis

  Ms Follett

  Mrs Grassby

  Mr Humphries

  Mr Kaine

  Mr Lamont

  Ms McRae

  Mr Stefaniak

  Mr Stevenson

  Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

Bill, as a whole, agreed to.

Bill agreed to.

Sitting suspended from 5.52 to 8.00 pm

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