Page 3626 - Week 12 - Thursday, 13 October 1994

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There is a fairly lengthy explanation in the Government's response, indicating that the Government is mindful of the fact that national supply arrangements will inevitably affect the ACT market. Recommendation 6 was:

The Government urgently investigate the effect of service station closures on the planning concept of local shopping centres and provide a report to the Assembly within three months.

(Extension of time granted) I understand the tone and the sentiments expressed by members, and I will endeavour to be brief.

The response to this recommendation was that the Government is prepared to provide a report to the Assembly on this matter as soon as practicable but that it cannot give a commitment to the suggested timeframe - which is, within three months. I have to say that I do not think that is good enough. There are a number of inquiries going on at the moment that the Government has proposed, including a rates inquiry and an inquiry into urban redevelopment in the ACT, which is headed by Bob Lansdown; so, if the Government had the will to actually fulfil what the Public Accounts Committee is looking for with regard to this recommendation, it could certainly do so. I urge it to do so.

Recommendation 7 was:

The Government implement those recommendations of the ACT Government Working Group on Petrol Prices calling for a more pro-competition policy in the location of service station sites, and that the Government generally leave the acquisition of sites for service stations as a matter of commercial judgment.

The Government's response indicated that it proposes to implement the above recommendations as quickly as it can, immediately after the announced release of the three sites to independents. I think that is a favourable response to the committee's report from the Government. Recommendation 8 was:

The Government promptly adjust existing policies affecting the location and type of signs on main roads to permit appropriate branded signs (conforming to current guidelines) directing motorists to nearby service stations.

The Government has indicated in its response that it will undertake to give effect to this recommendation, noting the jurisdiction of the National Capital Planning Authority. Again, that is a positive response to what the committee is looking for.

The final recommendation of the committee was:

The Government consider increasing the amount of non-fuel retail space permitted in service stations.

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