Page 3582 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 12 October 1994

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I have made arrangements for the 1992-93 implementation report to be tabled in Federal Parliament and also to be made available to other State and Territory Ministers responsible for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs. I think it is fair to say that, from the responses I have from other States, our report seems to be being very well received. Some other States have commented that they would like to have done as well. Madam Speaker, I would like also to mention that work has begun on the preparation of the 1993-94 implementation report. I will be tabling that document in the Assembly as soon as it is completed.

There are a number of new initiatives that are in train and which do further reflect the Government's commitment to redressing the disadvantage that has been suffered by Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders. As members are aware - I discussed the matter yesterday - we have drawn up a draft social justice agenda which has been handed over to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community for consultation and in order to get their views on how the agenda, when it is finally drawn up, can best enhance the empowerment of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders; how it can best enhance their participation in decisions that affect them; and how it can support the maintenance and the development of their cultures. The draft agenda, as I said, has been widely circulated for comment. I have no doubt that Mr Kaine will be frustrated with the pace of that consultative process. I will await the outcome of the process in the time that is required by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people themselves to form a view on it.

Madam Speaker, in the 1994-95 Social Justice Statement, which was released with the budget this year, there are further initiatives which are important to the ACT community, including Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders. These include issues like the funding to introduce the supported accommodation assistance program mark 3, the expansion of the ACT Jobskills program, the learning assistance to improve literacy and numeracy in primary schools, and, as members would be aware, last night we passed the ACT's Native Title Act, which is a significant step forward for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. So, there has been a fair amount done.

Madam Speaker, could I just offer, by way of explanation in relation to the 1992-93 implementation report, that that report flows from a decision by Aboriginal Affairs Ministers in November 1993, so it was well after the beginning of the actual period for all jurisdictions to produce reports in a consistent format. So, this is what we have done. Work on those 339 recommendations did not start until well towards the end of the 1992-93 year. Mr Kaine, I think, was probably wrong about the timetable for the next report, Madam Speaker, when he claimed that it was begun only at the end of September. The memorandum which I have - a departmental memorandum which requested input - is dated 17 August. So, work is proceeding in my own department and I expect that there will be another detailed report ready for release by the end of this year. I know that members look forward to that.

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