Page 3550 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 12 October 1994

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Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, having received the report of the housing review, the Follett Government has taken immediate steps to commence implementing its recommendations. A number of revised tenant account management arrangements were announced as part of the 1994-95 budget. These were aimed at rent arrears, improving tenant accountability and recovering sundry debts from public tenants. New recovery processes were also introduced for rent bond loans provided to private tenants by the Housing Trust.

I have taken a number of further steps in response to the housing review recommendations. These include creating a new senior position of General Manager, ACT Housing, to manage the housing group, including the Housing Trust. This decision recognises the enhanced client service role now required of the Housing Trust and the broader role of strategic planning and asset and financial management which have emerged from the findings of the housing review. I have established a housing policy unit within the Housing and Community Services ministry which is separate from the Housing Trust. This unit is responsible for advising the Government on broader housing and related policy and strategic planning issues, and it will coordinate through that one agency within my portfolio area those functions currently provided across a range of services within my own areas of responsibility.

I have commissioned a program structure review across the Housing and Community Services ministry, to restructure the housing group to deliver the improvements identified, as I have announced, by the housing review. It will also result in better linkages by the regional offices to deliver housing and community support services to clients. I have created new senior officer manager positions in each of the Housing Trust regional offices to provide local management for the client services delivered in those regions. We have introduced the bank direct debit facility and a new sundry debtors system for Housing Trust clients, which will assist tenants and mortgagors to better maintain their accounts. We have developed a pilot private leasing model for the provision of more low cost rental housing. This will provide the opportunity for the private sector to work closely with the Government in providing housing to lower income people.

I have established an advisory committee on the design and location of public housing. This comprises industry and community representatives and will advise me on proposals and initiatives for the proper physical management of the public rental stock. I have established a financial management advisory committee. This committee includes external specialists from the business, capital markets and management accountant fields and will advise on and monitor the financial performance of the housing group. We have established the entitlements review unit which, as its first task, is developing an entitlement monitoring plan for the Housing Trust.

Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, an implementation team has been formed to oversee the implementation of the client service and the organisation improvements outlined in the report of the housing review. This team will set the direction for the other housing review strategies. This team comprises a core team of full-time Housing Trust staff with the necessary commitment and skills to deliver the housing review strategies. The implementation team has a six-month life and will address internal processes as a first priority.

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