Page 3338 - Week 11 - Thursday, 22 September 1994

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(1) the Government establish a task force to inquire into and report on youth unemployment in the ACT with the following terms of reference:

(i) establish the nature and scope of youth unemployment in the ACT, with a particular emphasis on gender differences;

(ii) determine the extent to which youth unemployment in the ACT is structural in nature, with particular reference to changed employment patterns in the Commonwealth Public Service and the ACT Government Service;

(iii) establish the education, training and employment opportunities available to young people in the ACT;

(iv) determine the likely patterns of employment in the ACT in the next five, 10 and 15 years;

(v) determine the extent to which the available education and training opportunities reflect the skills needed by the work force in the next five, 10 and 15 years;

(vi) examine the factors preventing the access of young people to education, training and employment opportunities;

(vii) examine the particular factors which have contributed to, or can be correlated with, high youth unemployment levels in the ACT, with particular emphasis on the impact of disillusionment among some high school and college students about future job prospects; and

(viii) propose solutions which will lower youth unemployment levels in the ACT, taking into account that such solutions should not transfer the unemployment burden to other age or demographic groups or defer the unemployment burden to future generations of school leavers.

The rest of the motion remains largely the same as appears on the notice paper. Before proceeding formally to amend my motion and initiate debate on it in the Assembly, I thought it appropriate to make representations to the Chief Minister on the issue of teenage unemployment, in the light of my concerns, my analysis and the revised motion. I did this some weeks ago. I would like to thank the Chief Minister for her receptive hearing on this issue.

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