Page 3269 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 21 September 1994

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I was relocated a couple of times. One of the buildings that the community service moved into was owned by a private landlord and there was a ratchet clause in our lease. Fortunately, it was not my community group which was finding the money to support the operation of that ratchet clause; it was the Government. So, I think it is rather ironic that at the eleventh hour the Government has agreed to sustain the operation of ratchet clauses to the point where they have not had discussions with tenants. I find that entirely regrettable.

MR MOORE (4.58): Madam Speaker, it was at the eleventh hour and fifty-ninth minute, I think, that we received these amendments. One of the things that I think is most flabbergasting is that the Liberals are not even going to speak to them. They hold themselves up as the bastion of small business. Mrs Carnell was a member of CARTA, and I am amazed that the Liberals will not at least identify their position on this and put on record why it is that they would support such an incredible backdown on this.

Mr Humphries: Do you want it over quickly or not?

MR MOORE: Mr Humphries interjects. We now have the reason. He wants the debate over by 5 o'clock. Too bad!

Mr Humphries: No, no; you do.

Mr Kaine: You said that you wanted it over by 5 o'clock.

MR MOORE: Not at all. The interjection is that I wanted it over by 5 o'clock. There has been a clear misunderstanding. I have never said that at all, and I am quite happy for it to go on. So, please, Mr Humphries, put your position and indicate to small business why you are supporting this last minute backdown and why you are supporting a few landlords over their tenants.

Question put:

That the amendments (Mr Connolly's) be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 15      NOES, 2

Mr Berry  Mr Humphries  Mr Moore

Mrs Carnell Mr Kaine  Ms Szuty

Mr Connolly Mr Lamont

Mr Cornwell Ms McRae

Mr De Domenico Mr Stefaniak

Ms Ellis  Mr Stevenson

Ms Follett  Mr Wood

Mrs Grassby

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

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