Page 3218 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 21 September 1994

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MR DE DOMENICO: Mrs Carnell is quite entitled to laugh because, unlike members of the Labor Party, Mr Connolly, we on this side of the house at least have the wonderful opportunity of voting according to our conscience, not according to party dictates. So, if you want to make comments about Mrs Carnell laughing, you can go right ahead; but the reality is that, unlike members opposite, we have the right and the responsibility - and we take them very seriously - to vote in the way our conscience dictates, which is more than I can say for you, Mr Connolly.

Let me continue to quote from the letter. These are not my words; they are words of the Knights of the Southern Cross. So, if you want to laugh at them, go right ahead. The letter said:

In agreeing to rushing this Bill to a vote, your Government is showing disdain for the community which has already demonstrated its deep concern with legislation in this area.

We object to this Bill on two fundamental grounds:

. The Select Committee on Euthanasia acknowledged (clause 4.2) the common law protection of the rights targeted in the draft Bill (clause 4). Therefore, the draft Bill is unnecessary legislation and can only change the present situation by promoting litigation on the many ill-defined clauses in it.

. The draft Bill does not mention or allude to the only legitimate intent in refusing or withdrawing medical treatment: avoiding or discontinuing burdensome or futile treatment.

Further, I understand that some twenty amendments -

there are 30 -

are being proposed for the draft Bill tabled in the Select Committee's report. This emphasises the unsatisfactory nature of the draft Bill and further denies the community the right to express its concerns on the actual Bill to be considered by the Assembly.

If you are firm in your resolve to proceed with this legislation, I urge you to at least show the community the decency of referring this Bill to a Select Committee for adequate public consultation.

Yours faithfully,

Michael Cassidy

for State Chairman.

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