Page 3178 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 20 September 1994

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Conditions of certificate of exemption

"4E. The conditions of a certificate of exemption are as follows:

(a) the premises exempted under the certificate shall at all times be fitted with air cleaning equipment capable of maintaining air quality in accordance with Australian Standard 1668.2;

(b) air quality in the premises shall comply with Australian Standard 1668.2;

(c) inspectors are allowed to -

(i) regularly inspect air cleaning equipment on the premises; and

(ii) monitor the air quality within the premises;

(d) if the certificate relates to a restaurant - not less than 75% of the public area of the restaurant shall remain smoke-free.".

Revocation of certificate of exemption

"4F. (1) The Minister may revoke a certificate of exemption if satisfied on reasonable grounds that -

(a) the occupier to whom the certificate was granted has not complied, or is not complying, with a condition of the certificate; or

(b) the premises to which the certificate relates do not comply with a condition of the certificate.

(2) Where a certificate is revoked under subsection (1), that revocation takes effect on the day on which the occupier granted the certificate is given notice of the revocation in accordance with paragraph 11A(b).

(3) Where a certificate of exemption is revoked, the Minister shall amend the register accordingly.".

Clause 5 negatived.

Clauses 6 and 7, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

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