Page 3068 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 September 1994

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Domestic Violence orders

MR CORNWELL - Asked the Attorney General

(1) How many Domestic Violence Orders (DVOs) were successfully

opposed in the ACT in 1993-94 and what percentage does this

represent of total DVOs issued in the year.

(2) How many of those successfully opposed in (1) were represented by

the alleged offender rather than a lawyer.

(3) How many DVOs in 1993-94 were taken out against (a) men and (b)

women and how many of each sex DVOs were successfully


(4) What is the approximate average cost of legal representation in a

DVO matter before the Family Court.

MR CONNOLLY - The answer to the members question is as follows:

(1) Of the 1,231 Applications for Protection Orders between

1 January 1993 and 31 August 1994, five were successfully opposed.

However it should be noted that most applications end in consent

orders being made without any admissions and without the need

for a contested hearing.

(2) Of these five, two matters had all parties represented by solicitors, in

one matter the Applicant was self represented and the Respondent

was represented by a solicitor and in the remaining two matters all

parties were self represented.

(3) Of the 1,321 Applications for Protection Orders, 1,136 were against

males and 185 against females. Four males successfully opposed

application and one female successfully opposed an application. It

should be noted that domestic violence applications are taken out

by husbands against wives, wives against husbands, parents against

children, children against parents, men against men, and women

against women.

(4) Firstly, domestic violence matters are heard in the ACT Magistrates

Court, not the Family Court. Secondly, the costs involved will vary

according to the circumstances of individual cases, and are a matter

for solicitors and their clients, rather than the Government.


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