Page 3016 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 September 1994

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MR STEVENSON (3.07), in reply: Madam Speaker, I seek leave to withdraw the motion.

Leave granted.

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.


Suspension of Standing and Temporary Orders

Motion (by Mr Stevenson) proposed:

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent private members business notice No. 8 being called on forthwith.

MR BERRY (Manager of Government Business) (3.08): Madam Speaker, the Government will support the suspension of standing orders.

Question resolved in the affirmative, with the concurrence of an absolute majority.


MR STEVENSON (3.09): I move:

That the following new standing order be adopted:

Questions without notice - number of questions

"113A. Questions without notice shall not be concluded until all non-Executive Members rising have asked at least one question.".

I take note of the amendment that Mr Moore said that he would introduce, and I could agree with that. We all understand the importance of consultation and the opportunity to ask questions on behalf of constituents in Canberra. It is unfortunate that at times, for whatever reason, question time can be taken up with too few questions. There may be valid reasons; there may be non-valid reasons. Nevertheless, it happens, and it happens quite often. What this would do is place the responsibility for the length of question time firmly back in the hands of the Government. They can determine that by how long they take in answering questions and how many questions are asked from their section of the house. So, I think it is something that makes sense and would benefit the Assembly and benefit all Canberrans.

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