Page 2917 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 14 September 1994

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We have another problem. This strategy totally ignores government consultation with individuals. It is all about groups; it is all about the lobby groups. Which group gets the most attention? Juggle the lobby groups. Those with the most noise get the most attention.

Mr Kaine: And the most money.

MR HUMPHRIES: And the most money, indeed. Let us look at the question of what this Government's record has been, because, if we cannot see a record of consultation, we are not going to see anything improve with a shallow, bland document like the one which has been put before us. Look at the Government's record on consultation. The Government says in this paper:

The Government has established a unique consultative Budget process which enables a high level of community input.

Last year we had an education budget which talked about slashing, I think it was, 90 teacher positions out of the ACT education system. Was that result produced by consultation? When the consultation, so-called, conducted after the budget, said, "No, thank you very much, Chief Minister; we do not want to slash 90 positions from the education budget", did the Government pay attention? Of course it did not. It had to be dragged kicking and screaming on the floor of this place to debate a motion removing that element from its budget discretion. So much for budget consultation. This Government's willingness to be re-elected more than their willingness to listen caused them to back down on that question.

The Government has been presiding over rates increases, sometimes of a huge percentage figure for some particular suburbs for four of the last five years that they have been in government; in fact, for four of the last five years when there has been self-government. Of course, we have had a sudden knee-jerk reaction from the Government that says, "Oops, something is going wrong with rates". But is it the result of consultation with the community that has produced that? Of course it is not. It is the result of people banging on Rosemary Follett's door and saying, "For God's sake, rates are going through the roof and I am not taking it any more".

So you get headlines in the Canberra Times such as, "Follett in switch on rates after outcry" and "Follett back-flip on open rates review". Is this consultation? No, it is not. This is reaction to popular concern, which was not expressed to this Government, except by letters to the editor of the Canberra Times, people ringing up and expressing their anger and through the Opposition getting involved and talking about the need for rates action as well. That is what caused this Government to act. I will not talk about the planning and dual occupancy inquiry going on at the moment, because we know what kind of consultative government produced that.

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