Page 2713 - Week 09 - Thursday, 25 August 1994

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I think that needs to be borne in mind. We are on track. We have identified the savings, and we will continue to identify the way in which our system can become more and more efficient, to reflect not only best practice in a particular area but best practice across the board. The economic model proposed by the Industry Commission is simply not one that this Government is prepared to accept. Again, on the public record, I wish to say, quite unequivocally, that it was not with much swiftness that I rejected the Industry Commission and Liberal Party model. It was after long and hard consideration that I rejected it.

Mr De Domenico: It was set up by your Federal Labor Government.

MR LAMONT: I will continue to do so, Mr De Domenico, because this Government has the responsibility to deliver proper social justice outcomes to the people of the Territory vis-a-vis a proper public transport system. That is what happens, Madam Speaker, in relation to this matter.

I can understand why the Liberal Party, in particular, would like to see this become a matter of some debate, and I welcome it, for one very simple reason. The natural corollary of the Opposition's argument is exactly the same as that of their argument in relation to the health system, the education system, the police system and any other system that operates in the ACT - flog it off to New South Wales. What they want to see provided here in the ACT is the type of bus service that is provided in the western suburbs of Sydney.

Mr Connolly: What bus service?

MR LAMONT: Mr Connolly says, "What bus service?". That is exactly right, Mr Connolly. That is the type of system that they want to see being introduced. It might be all right for their mates driving around in their Volvos, but it is not good enough for the working men and women of this Territory. Mr Deputy Speaker, I believe that it is appropriate that I place those comments on record.

There were a number of other matters raised by the committee which I have much delight in supporting, in particular the prospect of an increased number of projects being undertaken by Public Works in the capital works category and for them to be assessed vis-a-vis the value management concepts which were outlined by the previous Estimates Committee. I am confident that we will be able to substantially increase, over the years, the use of these principles in delivering timely capital works for the people of the ACT. My department is committed to it. I am aware that the agencies with which we work are becoming committed to it and see it as a valuable tool in providing for timely, cost-effective public works in the ACT. Again I commend the committee for their diligence in continuing to address this matter in successive years. It is a real difficulty when they do not time you, is it not?

Ms Ellis: Just keep going.

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