Page 2621 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 24 August 1994

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MRS CARNELL: That is certainly true. It was very interesting to hear the Chief Minister say that the reason why the Victorian TAB pulled the plug was that it was going to be privatised. It was fascinating that the very day we relinked was the day we linked with Tabcorp, a new, privatised operation. Explain that, Chief Minister.

Yesterday, in true bovver boy style, Mr Lamont ended up really getting burnt. Mr Lamont stood there and alleged that I had spoken to the New South Wales Racing Minister the day before the Minister - - -

Mr Lamont: Office. The Racing Minister's office.

MRS CARNELL: The Racing Minister's office or the Racing Minister; it does not matter. He alleged that I had spoken to the New South Wales Racing Minister the day before the Minister issued a press release cautioning against a link between the two TABs. The New South Wales Minister, it must be remembered, said as early as 16 March that there would not be a link with ACTTAB while the VITAB deal was in place. I think it is necessary now to quote a press release put out today after he saw the Canberra Times this morning.

Mr Lamont: Oh, today! From my mate the New South Wales Minister! Oh, today! Look what came out today!

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, Mr Lamont! Please curb your enthusiasm.

MRS CARNELL: The press release is headed "Downy says Lamont claim is a lie" and it says:

NSW Racing Minister Chris Downy says a claim that a call from the ACT Liberal Leader Kate Carnell caused him to back off from a prospective ACTTAB-NSW TAB linkage is a lie.

It is quite definite; it says "is a lie". The statement continues:

Mr Downy said that he never received a call from Mrs Carnell prior to issuing a June 17 media release that poured water on claims a NSW-ACTTAB link-up was imminent.

He said discussions had been occurring between the two TABs.

But after his office heard from media sources -

media sources, Mr Lamont -

that a deal was imminent Mr Downy stepped in.

Mr Downy said ACT Racing Minister David Lamont had been identified as the source of the "deal imminent" story.

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