Page 2585 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 24 August 1994

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MR MOORE (11.55): The Bill that we have before us is a very sensible and rational view of what needs to be done. Indeed, the amendments presented by the Minister also will assist in improving this piece of legislation. It contrasts markedly with Mr Stefaniak's circus stunt, which delivers basically nothing for the community and has no chance of delivering anything. What Ms Szuty has done is to attend to a particular difficulty and problem in the community instead of just looking at the notice paper, seeing what other people are trying to do and then repeating what is being done by somebody else, trying to pinch the agenda in a cynical, political manoeuvre. It can be seen as nothing else. Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, it is with pleasure that I support this piece of legislation that Ms Szuty has presented to the Assembly.

Members interjected.

MADAM TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mrs Grassby): Could I have a little order. I cannot hear what Mr Moore is saying.

Mr Humphries: It is no great loss, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker.

MADAM TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: No; it is very important. I want to hear what Mr Moore has to say.

MR MOORE: Thank you, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker. The Bill that Ms Szuty has put before the house - we have a clear sense that it will have the support of certainly a majority of members and perhaps all members - will improve on the system that is currently before us. That is the way that we should be attempting to operate in this Assembly. Perhaps Mr Stefaniak can learn a lesson from Ms Szuty.

MS SZUTY (11.56), in reply: I would like to thank members for their contributions to the debate and for their support of this Bill. I particularly welcome the support of the Minister, who has announced today that, prior to the sunset clause taking effect, he will inform the outstanding applicants of the new arrangements. At the time I first proposed the Bill, there was considerable discussion about its potential retrospectivity. I would like to quote this passage from the report of the Scrutiny of Bills Committee, which, I believe, presents this discussion very effectively:

This Bill enacts a "sunset" clause under which all applications made under a number of repealed Acts (which dealt mainly with leases or valuations relating thereto) or the review by a court or tribunal of decisions in relation to such applications, will be dealt with under the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 from 1 July 1995.

The Bill will not affect any existing applications, review of decisions or rights until 1 July 1995. However, if there are still any existing applications under the old laws or court or tribunal review processes relating to those applications outstanding at that time, then they will be deemed to be under the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991.

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