Page 2555 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 23 August 1994

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reports to recommendations of the Auditor-General. The standard of public sector financial reporting in the ACT has improved significantly since self-government. The Government has also invested heavily in the improvement of financial management systems in the current budget. We have foreshadowed further investment in the forward estimates. This will enable concerns expressed by the Estimates Committee to be progressively addressed.

The committee drew to the Government's attention specific issues relating to health, education, sport, justice and transport. Most of these recommendations will be implemented, and I am sure that all members will see the benefits of these actions in the future. The committee also recommended improvements in the way the Government does business in relation to workers compensation, the supply and tendering agency and changes in work practices. The Government welcomes these recommendations. Indeed, we support them. (Extension of time granted)

Debate interrupted.


MADAM SPEAKER: Chief Minister, it is 9.30 pm; so I have to propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Berry: Madam Speaker, I request that the question be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.


Report on the Appropriation Bill 1994-95

Debate resumed.

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, the earlier presentation of the 1994-95 budget received bipartisan support from this Assembly. Bringing forward the budget placed pressure on all areas of the Government, and I appreciate the cooperation of the Estimates Committee in meeting the changed timeframe. The early budget allows the Territory to benefit from greater certainty and gives program managers earlier notice of policy changes to enable effective and timely implementation. Importantly, it gives community groups an early indication of the Government's funding intentions. The business sector will also benefit from the early indication of budget policies.

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