Page 2547 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 23 August 1994

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One other area which was of concern to me was the refusal by some of the committee members to accept their own frailties in relation to certain matters. The one that I can draw attention to which brings this into focus is in paragraph 4.13 on page 22. It says:

The majority of the Committee recommends that:

. the Government proceed to ensure that multi-skilling of workers, across demarcation lines, is fully implemented wherever practicable ...

That is a sensible recommendation. There is nothing wrong with that, because the practicality of these things is something that has to be worked out in the workplace. But then it goes on to say:

. the Government should, as a matter of urgency, remove and change any Industrial Relations practices which prevent substantial cost savings to be made, especially those practices which purely involve demarcation disputes between different unions.

That is a silly recommendation.

Mr De Domenico: It is a very sensible recommendation.

MR BERRY: It is a stupid recommendation because - - -

Mr Cornwell: Where is the dissenting report, Mr Berry?

MR BERRY: If you look at the top of it, you will see that it says "The majority of the Committee". That means that there were some who did not agree.

Mr Cornwell: But how do we know that one of them was you?

MR BERRY: If you ask me, I will tell you.

Mr Cornwell: There is nothing in writing to suggest that, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: It was a silly recommendation which really went to the ability of the committee in some respects to absorb sensible information and then reflect it in their recommendations. I do not think it has been the case in this one. It makes a recommendation which cannot be endorsed and cannot be implemented. In the industrial relations arena you just cannot move unilaterally, and that is what the recommendation says that the Government ought to do. We will probably hear more from the Minister for Industrial Relations in relation to that matter in due course. (Extension of time granted)

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