Page 2412 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 22 June 1994

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These amendments are technical and cover a number of matters. First of all, in relation to second jobs, the amendment relates to the prohibition of an officer of the public service undertaking any remunerative employment aside from the officer's primary job in the public service, unless he or she has the approval of the head of his or her department. To clarify the intention, clause 244 needs to be amended at paragraph 244(1)(f) by taking out all the words after "any" and substituting the words "other remunerative employment". Management standards are the subject of amendments Nos 87 and 88, which relate to clause 251. To correct an oversight, paragraph 251(2)(n) needs to be amended by inserting "resignation" after "retirement". The reference to "commencement day" in subclause 251(3) is to be omitted, to make it clear that it is intended that commencement be on the day on which the section commences under the commencement provisions of section 2 of the Act.

Amendments agreed to.

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (6.01), by leave: I move together the following amendments:

89. Page 185, line 32, after subclause 251(3), insert the following subclause:

"(3A) Management standards that provide for matters of the kind referred to in paragraph (2)(j) take effect subject to any direction in force under section 12 of the Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1990.".

90. Page 185, lines 33 and 34, subclause 251(4), omit the subclause, substitute the following subclauses:

"(4) The management standards may, in relation to a matter, include special conditions that are applicable to officers who are returned soldiers or who are, or have been, on specified defence service, including conditions under which preference may be given to returned soldiers in relation to any proposed appointments or promotions.

"(5) In subsection (4) -

'returned soldier' means a discharged member of the Forces within the meaning of section 4 or section 139 of the Re-establishment and Employment Act 1945 of the Commonwealth and any other person who, as a member of the Defence Force, rendered continuous full-time service outside Australia -

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