Page 2405 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 22 June 1994

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69. Page 117, lines 21 to 23, clause 167 (definition of "officer"), omit the definition, substitute the following definition:

"'officer' includes -

(a) an employee;

(b) a statutory office holder; and

(c) a person employed by a Territory instrumentality or a statutory office holder;".

70. Page 119, line 16, paragraph 170(3)(a), omit "or".

71. Page 119, line 20, paragraph 170(3)(b), add "or".

72. Page 119, line 20, subclause 170(3), add the following paragraph:

"(c) where paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to the person, while she is employed by a prescribed body or a prescribed organisation.".

73. Page 119, lines 21 to 23, subclause 170(4), omit the subclause.

74. Page 128, line 31, subclause 181(6), omit "Convenor", substitute "Chairperson".

75. Page 144, line 16, subclause 192(3), omit "159(1)", substitute "188(1)".

76. Page 176, line 5, paragraph 234(b), omit "231", substitute "232".

These amendments, which I gather are not controversial, arise as a result of the consultation process, as a result of the recommendations of the Scrutiny of Bills Committee, or as a result of editorial redrafting. I commend them to the Assembly.

Amendments agreed to.

Clauses, as amended, agreed to.

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