Page 2401 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 22 June 1994

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(d) the appointment does not take effect if, when the deemed promotion takes effect, the appointee has already ceased to be a member of the Australian Public Service;

(e) if the appointee does not commence to perform the duties of the office within a reasonable time after the appointment takes effect, the Chief Executive may cancel the appointment;

(f) if the appointee had, immediately before his or her appointment to the Service, accrued a period of long service leave or leave of absence on account of illness, he or she becomes eligible, upon his or her appointment, for the grant of an equal period of long service leave or leave of absence on account of illness, as the case may be;

(g) subject to paragraph (f), the period of continuous service of the Commonwealth officer in the Australian Public Service immediately before his or her appointment to the Australian Capital Territory Government Service shall be recognised as prescribed for the purposes of determining the leave and other benefits to which the Commonwealth officer is entitled under this Act and the management standards.".

54. Page 72, lines 19 and 20, subclause 117(1), omit ", in circumstances prescribed for the purposes of this subsection,".

55. Page 82, line 31, subparagraph 133(2)(b)(iii), omit "subsection 132(3)", substitute "this subsection".

56. Page 83, lines 10 and 11, paragraph 133(3)(a), omit "prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph", substitute "of 14 days commencing on the day on which the notice is given to the officer".

57. Page 95, lines 31 to 36, subclause 148(1) (definition of "officer"), omit the definition, substitute the following definition:

"'officer' includes -

(a) an employee;

(b) a statutory office holder; and

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