Page 2344 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 22 June 1994

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the Government has supported. We believe that that is appropriate. The Government has said, as has everybody in this debate, that it is very important to ensure that all entities are aware of their position and that there can be no debate about that. This is what this amendment does. As you would be aware, in the first instance, the Liberal Party supported the DPP and the Legal Aid Commission being outside the service. Obviously, that is not an option now. I will leave the floor to Mr Moore.

MR MOORE (2.58): Madam Speaker, I agree with Mrs Carnell that it is appropriate to clarify this issue and to make very clear in the legislation our stance on this issue. For those reasons, I support Mrs Carnell; but, considering what has already gone through in this debate, it is inappropriate that we include the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Earlier I circulated a possible amendment, Madam Speaker, that would replace Mrs Carnell's proposed amendment; but I think a much more effective way to do this is for me to move an amendment to her amendment. That is what is being circulated at the moment. Therefore, Madam Speaker, I move the following amendment to Mrs Carnell's amendment No. 6:

Omit paragraph (f).

Amendment (Mr Moore's) to Mrs Carnell's amendments agreed to.

Amendments (Mrs Carnell's), as amended, agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 8

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (3.00): Madam Speaker, I move amendment No. 4 circulated in my name. It reads:

4. Page 8, lines 15 and 16, paragraph (e), omit "administrative units or Territory instrumentalities", substitute "government agencies".

This is just a tidying up exercise, members. It is simply a matter of improving the text - an editorial amendment - and I commend it to you.

MR KAINE (3.00): Madam Speaker, the Opposition does not oppose this amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

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