Page 2336 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 22 June 1994

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MADAM SPEAKER: I would hope that there would be a better standard of behaviour all round, Mrs Carnell, and I would not have to call anyone to order. I am letting things go by because I am not here to check every single bit of action. It is up to members in this chamber to set their own standards. If you want to be called to order every five seconds, I will. Let us have a bit of order and sense.

Amendment (Mrs Carnell's) to Ms Follett's amendment negatived.

Amendment (Ms Follett's) agreed to.

Sitting suspended from 12.33 to 2.30 pm

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (2.30), by leave: Madam Speaker, I move together amendments Nos 2 and 3 circulated in my name, which read as follows:

2. Page 3, line 14, subclause (1), insert the following definition:

"'criminal offence' means -

(a) an offence against a law of the Territory or the Commonwealth; or

(b)  an offence against a law of, or of a part of, a foreign country, being an offence of a kind which if committed in, or within the jurisdiction of, the Territory would constitute an offence against a law of the Territory or the Commonwealth;".

3. Page 4, line 18, subclause (1), (definition of "non-appellable promotion"), add "not being an office for appointment to which teaching qualifications are required;".

Clause 3 is to be amended, firstly, to insert the definition of "criminal offence". A criminal offence is defined in my amendment as an offence against a law of the Territory, the Commonwealth or a foreign country. The definition is required in relation to discipline matters. I am actually relocating this definition from subclause 80(11) because it has general application. The second amendment concerns the definition of "non-appellable promotion" in subclause 3(1). I am proposing to amend the definition of "non-appellable promotion" by inserting at the end of it the words "not being an office for appointment to which teaching qualifications are required". Madam Speaker, this amendment is being made in order to accommodate special arrangements for appeals in the teaching service. I commend those amendments to the Assembly.

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