Page 2191 - Week 07 - Thursday, 16 June 1994

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8 . I am concerned .that .the present legislative

framework prevents the Government from effectively and

efficiently: exercising a more psotove role in:the

operations-of the ACTTAB. -The Board operates without

adequate Government oversight of-its operations.' Given

t' P importance of the racing industry-, and the - amok f

 venue generated; the Government cannot accept the..

situation where e. TAB can act independently of its

9. The ACT is the only State/Territory TAB which has

its totalizator betting services provided by a company.

In. the States these- services are provided. through some

form. of Statutory body:. ACTTAB currently. provides these

services for the. Northern Territroy on a contract basis.

10: For the Government to have more direct responsibility for the ACTTAB's

operations, the most appropriate. structure is for the TAB to be converted to a Statutory

Authority. The ACTTAB would become a body corpora a with 'members of 'the Hoard

appointed by the Minister: The ACTTAB ..z^ยป1 d be more directly subject to the

directions of the Government. .

11. The proposed arrangement would be a change of degree

in Government responsibility for the TAB's operation

while still ensuring that it remains at arms-length from

the Minister responsible for its operations.

12. In order to allow the TAB to operate as a Statutory

Authority, it will be 'necessary to provide for the

winding up of the ACTTAB as a TOC, provide for the

transfer of assets and the establishment of the ACTTAB as

a Statutory Authority. This can be achieved by amending

Schedule 1 to the TOC Act, making such consequential.

amendment to legislation as necessary and enacting new.

legislation to establish the ACTTAB. as. an Authority. The

Office of Sport and Recreation and the Government

Solicitor's Office should have carriage for the winding

up Solicitor's the ACTTAB as a TOC and establishing the Statutory

Authority. _ .

13. Two members of the Board, including the Chairperson,

will finish their current term of appointment. in December

1992. Expressions of interest are being sought for .these

vacancies. The future operation of the -ACTTAB should be

resolved before these appointments take place.

14. Legislation put in place to establish .the TAB as a.

Statutory Authority would need to retain existing

conditions of ,employment including superannuation

entitlements, for ACTTAB employees.


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