Page 2078 - Week 07 - Thursday, 16 June 1994

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Mr Deputy Speaker, while on the topic of capital works I would like to mention a few specific initiatives. Some specific initiatives in the Government's capital works program that I welcome include the playground safety program designed to upgrade existing playground facilities to meet current Australian safety standards and ensure that playground availability better reflects existing demographic patterns; the commencement of the Fyshwick high-tech manufacturers estate via the development of a master plan of the site, and the design, documentation and construction of the stage 1 subdivision; the Nicholls community house and child-care centre designed to cater for 20 children under three years and for 22 children over that age; the construction of an enclosed oval for Tuggeranong, providing high standard competition facilities for a range of field sports and including a covered stand for about 800 spectators; the refurbishment of the City Police Station to accommodate the city patrol, city crime and legal branches, and the construction of a new watchhouse; the refurbishment of Quamby as a periodic detention centre, thus providing more sentencing options within the ACT; and a new primary school with capacity for 460 primary and 100 preschool students to serve Nicholls and part of Ngunnawal.

I also particularly welcome the following capital works initiatives for the Belconnen region: The upgrade of the Belconnen interchange, in particular the provision of additional protection for passengers from wind and rain, and all-weather access from Chandler Street; the construction of a trunk cycle path along William Slim Drive and associated works; improved environmental controls at the Belconnen land fill site; and an upgraded intersection at the intersection of Ginninderra Drive and Kingsford Smith Drive.

Another issue arising from the capital works program which the Chief Minister also mentioned in her budget speech is the provision of $2.3m, in addition to the $5m casino premium, for the construction of a 600-seat playhouse on the existing Canberra Theatre Playhouse site. As the cost of this project has increased by nearly 50 per cent since report No. 9 of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee's inquiry into the possible use of the $19m casino premium was tabled in the Assembly on 10 December 1992, I feel sure that the committee will welcome the opportunity to reconsider the project, as suggested by the Chief Minister in her budget speech.

Mr Deputy Speaker, moving on from the capital works program, I welcome a number of the specific initiatives announced in the Government's budget this year. I regard a number of these initiatives as being very important, as they are among the areas in which I have been urging the Government to increase its expenditure since my election to the Assembly. I reiterated my view that increased expenditure was needed in a number of key areas during my meeting with the Chief Minister on 23 March this year to discuss the budget.

The specific Government initiatives that I wish to give special mention today are the indexation of the overall level of community grants to cover normal cost pressures; the provision of over $200,000 to Youth Joblink for the provision of private sector work experience for unemployed teenagers; the provision of over $300,000 for a pilot project intended to enhance the literacy and numeracy skills in primary school students; the introduction of mandatory reporting initiatives, initial funding being for the development

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