Page 1769 - Week 06 - Thursday, 19 May 1994

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Secondary College Courses

MR WOOD: Madam Speaker, yesterday I promised to confirm for Mr Kaine some comments I made in question time about the recreation courses in our colleges. Secondary colleges run two distinct evening programs. There are academic Year 11 and Year 12 programs which offer accredited courses and are funded by the Department of Education and Training. Secondly, college P and C associations independently conduct community evening programs. Mr Kaine searched diligently through the advertisements, and I think he had to look fairly hard to find the course that he found. It is interesting to note that the course - fortune-telling and palmistry - did not run, in the end. That would not give you much confidence in the lecturer, would it? The cost of courses varies from subject to subject and college to college, running at between $40 and $130. The academic courses are generally very serious; the recreation ones, interesting. Mostly, they seem to focus on languages, computing and word processing, and there is a wide range of recreation courses. Mr Kaine, I have an application form. I will pass it over to you.


MS SZUTY: Madam Speaker, I wish to raise a matter under standing order 118A. I have a question on the notice paper, question No. 1260, about the Hayes bushfire protection system. I asked the Minister for Urban Services a number of questions about that particular system. The answer was due on 13 May 1994.

MR LAMONT: Madam Speaker, I apologise to Ms Szuty. I do not have that answer with me, but I undertake to - - -

Mr Kaine: A pretty poor performance, Minister.

MR LAMONT: Do you really want to start? Madam Speaker, I undertake to have all of those questions answered by the close of business this day.


Statement by Speaker

MADAM SPEAKER: I inform members that I have received written notice of an issue concerning the privileges of the Assembly given by Mr Humphries pursuant to standing order 71. As with the matter I referred to in the Assembly on 17 February, the matter raised by Mr Humphries relates to a submission lodged with the board of inquiry examining the ACTTAB-VITAB agreement. The document is entitled "F. Allegations and Questions Raised in the Assembly" and is under a cover sheet which indicates that it is the submission by the board of management of the Australian Capital Territory Totalisator Administration Board to the inquiry into the ACTTAB-VITAB agreement. The cover sheet is dated 11 April 1994. In his letter, Mr Humphries referred to the fact that the submission invited the inquiry to have regard to debates in the Assembly and suggested that the matter may merit precedence.

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